Track and Visualise the CHANGEs on Cultural Heritage Surfaces

Track and Visualise the CHANGEs on Cultural Heritage Surfaces The conservation and restoration of cultural heritage objects are an occupation of protecting the material witnesses of human art from the past. It is very important to keep track of the occurrence of changes on its surface over time as documenting the changes is the first […]

Colour and Visual computing symposium, coming on 2020!

16-17 September 2020 We are very happy to announce that the Colour and Visual Computing Symposium 2020 (CVCS 2020) will take place in Gjøvik, Norway, on 16-17 September 2020. This will be the tenth time that The Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) organizes such an event. […]

CHANGE School Norway 2020!

CHANGE School Norway 2020! 10-21 February 2020 All project members from ApPEARS will attend the training event hosted at NTNU Gjøvik, Norway. Program will include visit to different institutions and lectures.

Attendance at Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions MSCA 2019 conference

Attendance at Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions MSCA 2019 conference Published at – 05.06.2019 Project Manager of the ApPEARS and the CHANGE project, Anneli Torsbakken Østlien, was present at the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions MSCA 2019 conference, learning about the opportunities and challenges the actions provides. More information on the conference can be found here.

CHANGE Kickoff Meeting 2019

CHANGE Kickoff Meeting 2019 Published at – 15.05.2019 The first Kickoff Meeting for CHANGE was successfully held at NTNU i Gjøvik. All of the beneficiaries & partner institutions gathered for two days of presentations and preparations for future events. Day1 consisted in presentation of each institution by their respective leaders; consequently presentations for each […]

ITN Coordinators Day 2018

ITN Coordinators Day 2018 Published at & – 23.11.2018 Jon Yngve Hardeberg, Sony George and Anne Hilde Nymoen from NTNU assist at ITN Coordinators day 2018, event held at Brussels. ITN Coordinators Day Conference Room Anne Hilde Nymoen & Sony George Outside of the ITN Coordinator’s Day event More information and video of […]

Euromed2018 Presentation

EUROMED2018 Presentation Published at – 07.11.2018 Presentation of CHANGE ITN projects by Prof. Sony George at Euromed2018. Social media post can be found here. Picture: CHANGE team: Sony George (NTNU, Norway), Harry Verwayen (Executive Director, Europeana Foundation), Marinos Ioannides (CUT, Cyprus)

H2020 MSCA ITN Seminar

H2020 MSCA ITN Seminar Published at – 23.10.2018 Presentation at H2020 MSCA ITN Seminar. Presentation topic “Two new ITN projects (CHANGE & ApPEARS): How did this happen?” by Prof. Jon Yngve Hardeberg Social media post can be found here.

Presentation at NTNU Library

Presentation at NTNU Library Published at – 24.09.2018 Jon Yngve Hardeberg did a presentation at the NTNU library located in Gjøvik. In the presentation he explained the importance of research projects in the university community, external funding for researchers and building successfully trained researchers. CHANGE ITN project was introduced. More information and video of […]