Work Packages
To achieve our goals six operational Work Packages (WPs) have been considered.
The WPs are either of research (R&D), training (TRAIN), dissemination (DISS) and management (MAN) types. The work packages are thought and tailored only to structure the data and the information flow (input and output) and to address the scientific questions. The work packages are detailed in the table below:
WP1 - Management and Coordination
Lead Beneficiary: NTNU
- Ensure the overall coordination of the project, including its technical, administrative, and financial aspects.
- Ensure the communication between the consortium and EC and the successful recruitment of ESRs.
- Monitor activities in all WPs and manage training activities.
- Ensure all aspects of the EC requirements for communication and reporting are met.
WP2 - CHANGE Training
Lead Beneficiary: NTNU
- Organisation, coordination, control, and supervision of all training activities local and in the network.
- Elaboration and control of Career Development Plan for every ESR as well as verification of effectiveness of training.
WP3 - Multiscale and multimodal strategies and systems for change capture and tracking of CH assets
Lead Beneficiary: UBFC
- To setup adapted and scalable acquisition systems for shape and/or appearance change capture according to the expressed need.
- To setup appropriate strategies for change assessment for multi-temporal acquisition (data registration Vs. sensors registration).
- To ensure the availability and the quality of imaging data for change analysis.
WP4 - Computational methods for change studying (characterization, visualisation and monitoring) of CH assets
Lead Beneficiary: WUT
Objectives: Develop
- Computational robust methods for change detection and quantification of CH assets from multi modal and multi scale data.
- Methods for change visualization of CH assets from multi scale and multi modal data.
- Unify the data representation and the processing to ensure integrity and interoperability.
- Computational methods and procedure for validation of change detection assessment based on expert feedback.
WP5 - Application: Change during the alteration and conservation of CH artefacts
Lead Beneficiary: C2RMF
- Understand the needs of CH actors in the use of imaging techniques to monitor artifacts during their alteration and conservation (contextualization).
- Implement the best approach according to the materials and the corresponding artifacts (specification).
- Interpret the data collected and processed and combine them with other existing data (historic records, analyses, etc) for a better appreciation of surface and/or structural change.
- Validate and integrate the knowledge gained in WP3 and WP4 in the protocols developed.
WP6 - Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication
Lead Beneficiary: HES SO
- Ensure a successful communication, dissemination, and exploitation of the project results and scientific advancements.
- Ensure communication for the non-scientific community, increase the commercial impact of partners, demonstrate the benefits and positive promotion of topics to potential students.