Dipendra Mandal
Country of Origin: Nepal
Host Institution: NTNU
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Dipendra's project
Dipendra received his Bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronics engineering in 2010 and Master of Science by research (MS) in area of quality analysis of video coding in 2017, both from the department of electrical and electronics engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal. He was a research student in decision information system and production (DISP) lab at University Lumiere Lyon 2, France from 2017-2018 under Erasmus Mundus Smartlink Program and has earned 60 ECTS.
Aspirations within projects
Dipendra's country, Nepal, is a treasure land for cultural and natural heritage. Seven of the cultural heritage are listed in World cultural heritage list by UNESCO. It is enriched with the foundation of ancestral cultural heritage background to the 13th century, but its conservation and restoration is a major threat for us from the beginning. A recent example was the April 2015 Nepal earthquake, that caused extensive damage to our country. He thinks his Ph.D. research work will help him to utilize technology in the domain of cultural heritage for its protection in an effective way. It will also provide him with more specific knowledge and research opportunities in the field of image processing ultimately elucidating the pathway for his future. At the same time, Dipendra believes that the CHANGE project is an excellent opportunity to get a better platform to interact with people from various discipline and culture that will help further to build a strong social network with people over the continent.
ESR2: Quality evaluation in CH digitization
- Identification of quality attributes to be evaluated in CH digitization.
- Development and implementation of tools/methods for evaluation of quality attributes and interactive visualization methods for presenting the results.
- Validation of the tools/methods through comparison to ground truth data from for example physical and chemical tests and expert assessment.
Main Supervisor:
- Marius Pedersen (NTNU)
- Clotilde Boust (C2RMF)
- Sony George (NTNU)
- Mandal, D. J., H. Deborah, S. George and J. Y. Hardeberg (2023) "Unsupervised Clustering for Works of Art Using Hyperspectral Imaging: A Case Study on Edvard Munch’s Self-Portrait (1905)," 2023 13th Workshop on Hyperspectral Imaging and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), Athens, Greece, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/WHISPERS61460.2023.10430604.
- Mandal, D. J., M. Pedersen, S. George, C. Boust (2023) "Comparison of Pigment Classification Algorithms on Non-Flat Surfaces using Hyperspectral Imaging" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2023, pp 1 - 25, Doi: 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2023.67.5.050405
- Mandal, D. J., H. Deborah, M. Pedersen (2023) Subjective Quality Evaluation of Alternative Imaging Techniques for Microfiche Digitization. Journal of Cultural Heritage, Vol. 63, pp. 81-89, Doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2023.07.014.
- Mandal, D. J., M. Pedersen, S. George, H. Deborah, C. Boust, "An Experiment-based Comparative Analysis of Pigment Classification Algorithms using Hyperspectral Imaging" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2023, pp 030403-1 - 030403-18, Doi: 10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2023.67.3.030403
- Kadyrova, A., M. Pedersen, B. Ahmad, D. Mandal, M. Nguyen, P. H. Zimmermann. (2022) Image enhancement dataset for evaluation of image quality metrics. IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology. Vol. 34.
- Deborah, H., D. J. Mandal (2021) Evaluation of Text Legibility in Alternative Imaging Approaches to Microfiche Digitization. Proc. IS&T Archiving 2021, 2021, pp 96 - 101, Doi: 10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2021.1.0.22
- Mandal, D., S. George, M. Pedersen, C. Boust (2021): Influence of Acquisition Parameters on Pigment Classification using Hyperspectral Imaging. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology. Society for Imaging Science and Technology.