Amalia Siatou
Country of Origin: Greece
Host Institution: HES-SO
Amalia is a professional Conservator-Restorer (C-R) holding a bachelor in C-R of Antiquities and Works of Art, from the Technological Educational Institute of Athens (2004) and a Master in Chemistry and Material Science from the University of Ioannina (2013). Both her BA and MSc, as well as her professional career, are correlated with metals C-R, scientific analysis and evaluation. Her BA thesis was on the desalination of historic alluminiun alloys, using chemical and electrochemical treatments. Then, for almost three years (2005-2007), she has worked at the metals conservation laboratory at the TEI of Athens on the EU project with the acronym “PROMET”, on the accelerated aging and evaluation of metals’ protection by coatings. She has completed her MSc thesis at the laboratory of applied metallurgy at the University of Ioannina where she undertook the study of corrosion formation on archaeological metals and the electrochemical simulation of soil corrosion. Additionally, She has given lectures in metals C-R both in Greece and abroad.
Aspirations within projects:
CHANGE-ITN call presents a unique opportunity to get engaged in a multicultural and multidisciplinary community, with parallel training sections in different countries and perspectives. I believe that the through this project the combination of analytical to imaging techniques can lead to a new, non-contact, fast and cost effective understanding of the metal surfaces that will help the conservation community to document changes and create new prevention methodologies. This project will give me the chance to advance my scientific background and to further connect research work directly to professional practice. My future goal is to transmit to the C-R community the acquired knowledge and to advance to the academic community.
ESR15: Characterization of surface change of historical metals by employing imaging and computer vision
- Detection, Characterization and monitoring of common corrosion phenomena.
- Use of imaging techniques: Selection of appropriate ones, testing of acquisition and processing protocols on artificially aged mock-up samples.
- Application of selected imaging techniques on CH artifacts, followed by interpretation and evaluation.
Main Supervisor:
- Christian Degrigny (HES SO)
- Alamin Mansouri (UBFC)
- Laura Brambilla (HES SO)
- Gaetan Le Goic (UBFC)
- Hermine Chatoux (UBFC)
- Siatou, A. et al. (2023) Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) data analysis for change detection. Application to monitoring protective coating failure on low carbon steel. Archiving 2023. Society for Imaging and Technology.
- Siatou, A. et al. (2022c) New methodological approaches in Reflectance Transformation Imaging applications for conservation documentation of cultural heritage metal objects, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 58, pp. 274-283. doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2022.10.011.
- Siatou, A (2022) Reflectance transformation Imaging features maps applied for condition assessment of metal objects. ICOM-CC Metal 2022, Helsinki, Finland, 5-9 September 2022.
- Siatou, A., Papanikolaou, A., Saiti, E. (2022). Adaption of Imaging Techniques for Monitoring Cultural Heritage Objects. In: Osman, A., Moropoulou, A. (eds) Advanced Nondestructive and Structural Techniques for Diagnosis, Redesign and Health Monitoring for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage. Springer Proceedings in Materials, vol 16. Springer, Cham. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-03795-5_6
- Siatou, A., Y. Castro, M. Nurit, H. Chatoux, G. le Goïc, C. Degrigny, L. Brambilla, A. Mansouri (2022). A Methodological Approach for Multi-Temporal Tracking of Silver Tarnishing. the, 4th ACM International workshop on Structuring and Understanding of Multimedia heritAge Contents. Association for Computing Machinery. Doi: 10.1145/3552464.3555686
- Saha, S. A. Siatou, R. Sitnik (2021). Classification of Surface Geometry Behavior of Cultural Heritage Surfaces based on Monitoring Change. SPIE Optical Metrology 2021: Optics for Arts, Architecture and Archaeology. Proceedings Vol. 11784.