Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU)
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NTNU is a leading science and technology university and as of 1st of January 2016, Norway’s largest university with 39 000 students and almost 400 doctoral dissertations per year, as a result of merging with the University Colleges of Ålesund, Gjøvik and Sør-Trøndelag. NTNU will participate in CHANGE through the Norwegian Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory (Colourlab) and Visual Computing lab, within the Department of Computer Science (IDI), Faculty if Information technology and Electrical Engineering. NTNU is a cooperating partner of DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities).
Both Campuses will provide with the following research tools: 3D acquisition systems, multispectral imaging systems, hyperspectral camera, tele-spectro-radiometer, spectrometers, colorcheckers and reference materials for spectral measurements, high-end computational facilities, software useful for 3D and spectral image processing etc.
Campus Gjøvik
The Colourlab at NTNU (Gjøvik): since its foundation in 2001 Colourlab has risen to become an internationally leading research in the field of colour imaging science and image- and video processing. The Colourlab core group consists of 30 people including the academic permanent faculty, post-docs, and PhD students. See more
Campus Trondheim
The visual computing group at NTNU (Trondheim): The research mission of the Visual Computing Laboratory at NTNU is to pursue research on topics that are theoretically interesting and / or of benefit to society, within the areas of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Image Processing and Visualization, which are jointly called Visual Computing. See more
NTNU Vitenskapmuseet (Science Museum)
The Department of Archaeology and Cultural History studies pre-historic, historic, maritime, and Sami archaeology. It conducts archaeological excavations in accordance with Norway’s Cultural Heritage Act. It hosts the Museum’s cultural heritage conservation laboratory, and is responsible for the cultural history collections, as well as teaching the professional archaeology programme. See more
Campus Gjøvik:
Jon Yngve Hardeberg
Marius Pedersen
Sony George
Jean-Baptiste Thomas
Campus Trondheim:
NTNU Vitenskapmuseet (Science Museum):