The consortium is composed of 18 Partner Institutions located all around Europe. It is divided in the following institutions:
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
- Warsaw University of Technology (WUT)
- Center for research & restoration for French Museum - C2RMF at Louvre, Paris (CNRS- C2RMF)
- University Bourgogne Franche-Comte (UBFC)
- University of Oslo (UIO)
- Cyprus University of Technology (CUT)
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO)
- University of Amsterdam (UvA)
- Swiss National Museum (SNM)
- The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo (NM)
- Norsk Elektro Optikk AS (NEO)
- Museum of King Jan III's Palace at Wilanów, Warsaw (MKW)
- Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (AFAW)
- Germolles Ducal Palace in Burgundy (GDPB)
- 7Reasons Medien GmbH (7Reasons)
- Hexagon DEU01 GmbH (Hexagon)
- Rijksmuseum (RM)
- Institut National du Patrimoine (INP)