
Yoko, Jizhen and Dipendra presented their work at the Color and Imaging conference (CIC) 2021

Yoko, Jizhen and Dipendra presented their work at the Color and Imaging conference (CIC) 2021

This week, the 29th Color and Imaging Conference (CIC) was hosted online and three of our CHANGE Early Stage Researchers presented their work. Below you can see the titles and we will list the papers on our website as soon as they are published.

Image-based Goniometric Appearance Characterisation of Bronze Patinas, Yoko Arteaga and Clotilde Boust, Centre of Research and Restoration of the Museums of France (France); Angele Dequier, National Institute of Patrimony (France); and Jon Yngve Hardeberg, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)

Extending the Unmixing Methods to Multispectral Images, Jizhen Cai1, Hermine Chatoux1, Clotilde Boust2, and Alamin Mansouri11University Bourgogne Franche-Comté and 2Le Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musees de France (France)

Influence of Acquisition Parameters on Pigment Classification using Hyperspectral Imaging, Dipendra J. Mandal, Sony George, and Marius Pedersen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway); and Clotilde BoustCenter for Research and Restoration of Museums of France (C2RMF) (France).