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CHANGE Kickoff Meeting 2019

CHANGE Kickoff Meeting 2019

Published at – 15.05.2019

The first Kickoff Meeting for CHANGE was successfully held at NTNU i Gjøvik. All of the beneficiaries & partner institutions gathered for two days of presentations and preparations for future events. Day1 consisted in presentation of each institution by their respective leaders; consequently presentations for each Work Package were done. Day1 concluded with a social event held at Brusveen. Day2 consisted on project management information and concluded with a Supervisory Board meeting.

Prof. Jon Yngve Hardeberg with an introductory presentation of CHANGE Prof. Marius Pedersen presenting current works done at Colourlab CHANGE Partners visiting the facilities at Colourlab  (Part I)CHANGE Partners visiting the facilities at Colourlab  (Part II)Presentation prior to social event at Brusveen